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Octopus with Cucumbers

Fish and Seafood

Octopus with Cucumbers
1 octopus
2 cucumbers, cut in half the long way, then sliced on an angle
½ teaspoon salt
1 Tablespoon granulated sugar
1 Tablespoon Chinese white vinegar
½ teaspoon dry mustard powder
1 Tablespoon sesame oil
1. Cook the octopus for three minutes in boiling water, drain and put it into cold water; then repeat twice more. Using a sharp knife, cut and see if the octopus is tender, if not repeat these steps one more time and check again. Continue until it is.
2. Mix cucumbers with the salt, sugar, and vinegar and let that rest for ten minutes, then drain the cucumbers.
3. Mix the cooked cold octopus with the mustard powder and sesame oil, and set this in the center of a serving platter, and put the cucumbers around it; then serve.

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