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Dried Oysters with Hair Vegetable

Fish and Seafood

Dried Oysters with Hair Vegetable
8 large oysters
1 Tablespoon hair seaweed
1 Tablespoon soy bean paste
1 cup boneless barbecued pork or raw fish
2 slices fresh ginger
2 scallions
2 cloves fresh garlic, peeled
1 Tablespoon Chinese rice wine
1/2 cup chicken stock
1 Tablespoon thin soy sauce
1 cup cornstarch
1. Grind or mince the oysters, hair seaweed, soybean paste, pork or fish, ginger, scallions, and the garlic, then add the rice wine, then stir in the cornstarch and put into a small heatproof bowl.
2. Steam for forty-five minutes, then remove and set this on a plate with sides.
3. Thicken any liquid, if desired, then cut this into wedges, and pour the liquid over it, and serve.

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