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Agar Agar with Ham and Chicken

Mixed Meats and/or Seafoods

Agar Agar with Ham and Chicken
3 cups agar agar, softened one hour in tepid water
½ cup cooked smoked ham, cut in very thin strips
½ cup cooked chicken breast, cut into very thin strips
1 small seedless cucumber, cut into very thin strips
1 cup bean sprouts, tail ends removed
½ teaspoon chili-flavored sesame oil
3 Tablespoon thin soy sauce
2 teaspoons sesame oil
1. Mix agar agar, ham, chicken, and cucumber strips; add bean sprouts mix, and set aside.
2. Just before serving, mix chili-flavored and plain sesame oil and the soy sauce, and toss with the other ingredients, then serve.

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