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Cod with Vegetables

Fish and Seafood

Cod with Vegetables
1 to 2 pounds cod or rock cod fillets
salt and pepper, to taste
1/4 cup vegetable oil
2 sheets dried seaweed, cut into slivers
1 small onion, cut into wedges
1/4 cup vinegar
1/4 cup granulated sugar
2 Tablespoons Chinese brown sugar
4 scallions, cut thinly on an angle
½ red pepper, seeded and cut into thin strips
½ green pepper, seeded and cut into thin strips
2 slices fresh or canned pineapple, cut into cubes
1. Dry fish with paper towels, dust with salt and pepper, and set aside for ten minutes.
2. Heat oil in fry pan, then fry fish about three minutes per side, remove it, and set it aside in a warm oven. When ready for use, put the fish on a serving platter and bring it to the table.
3. Raise heat of the oil, and fry the seaweed for half minute in the oil, remove, and drain on paper towels.
4. Next, fry the onion pieces and when tan, remove them and do likewise.
5. In a small pot, bring vinegar, both sugars, scallions, and both peppers, and the pineapple to the boil. Reduce until half the amount of liquid remains. Then remove from the heat, add the onions and the pineapple and pour over the fish before sprinkling the seaweed on top. Serve.

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