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Stuffed Whole Cabbage

Mixed Meats and/or Seafoods

Stuffed Whole Cabbage
1 whole cabbage, boiled for three minutes, set the largest twelve leaves aside, and shred the rest
½ cup ground pork
½ cup cooked chicken breast, shredded or ground
1 egg white
2 Tablespoons cornstarch
½ teaspoon each salt, ground white pepper, and granulated sugar
1 teaspoon sesame oil
1. Mix pork, chicken, and half the shredded; reserve the rest fo another dish.
2. Add egg white, cornstarch, salt, pepper, sugar, and the oil to the meat mixture. Spread carefully on one cabbage leaf, smallest to largest, and put them together looking like a cabbage head.
3. Put this cabbage-shaped item in a heat-proof bowl over boiling water in a steamer for eight minutes. Then remove it to the center of a large platter and let it rest for five minutes, reserving any liquid that may bleed off. Cut the cabbage into eight wedges, and pour the liquid over the cabbage.

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