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Li Tai Bai's Duck


Li Tai Bai's Duck
1 four-pound duck, blanched for five minutes in boiling water, then discard the water
2 teaspoons salt
3 Tablespoons light soy sauce
1 Tablespoon dark soy sauce
3 ounces crystallized sugar, crushed
3 scallions
1/4 cup Shao Xing wine
1. Rub salt inside the duck and on its outside.
2. Mix the two soy sauces and brush the duck inside and out, then put it on a heatproof platter.
3. Combine sugar, scallions, ginger, and wine and pour this into the cavity of the duck.
4. Steam the duck over boiling water for two hours, remove and cut it into pieces, then serve on a pre-heated platter.

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