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Pork Ribs and Scallops Soup

Soups and Congees

Pork Ribs and Scallops Soup
5 dried scallops, boiled for one hour, then drained and cooled, then finally torn into the thinnest strips possible
1 pound pork ribs cut into one-inch pieces ½ pound Long White radish also known as daikon, peeled and diced or very thinly sliced
2 large carrots, peeled and diced
1 inch fresh ginger, peeled and sliced, then each slice smashed, and then diced
1 Tablespoon goji berries
1. Put pork ribs into one quart of boiling water, and simmer for one hour, then remove them and strain the liquid of all solids and discard them, then rinse the pot and return ribs and the strained liquid to it.
2. Add the rest of the solid ingredients but not the berries. Add another quart of water and bring the entire liquid contents and the ribs and boil this for five minutes, then reduce the heat and simmer for another half an hour. Finally, add the berries and simmer another ten minutes, then serve in individual soup bowls.

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