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Confinement Eggs


Confinement Eggs
½ pound young ginger, peeled, cut into large pieces, then smash each slice with the side of the cleaver
4 pounds pork hocks, have the butcher cut them into two-inch pieces
4 to 6 cups sweet Chinese black rice vinegar
1 cup regular Chinese black vinegar
8 hard-cooked eggs, chicken, duck, or both
½ to 1 cup steamed rice, per person
1. Fry the ginger in a dry wok or fry-pan for about twenty-five minutes, stirring often but not until brown or burned. Then remove and set it aside overnight covered.
2. Put half the sweet vinegar and all the black vinegar and the ginger in a pot with the pork hocks and simmer for ninety minutes. Then remove from the heat and allow to cool. Cover and refrigerate overnight.
3. Add the rest of the sweet vinegar to the pot, and simmer for two more hours, then add the eggs and simmer for another thirty minutes.
4. Serve to the pregnant woman one or two bowls at a time; or to all guests with steamed green vegetables, if desired, and the rice and the hocks and eggs and the liquid.

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