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Flower Buns

Dim Sum and Other Snack Foods

Flower Buns
Ingredients for the bun exteriors:
250 g low-gluten flour
80 g granulated sugar
5 g dry yeast
5 g baking powder
20 ml (35Ășt) cream
60 ml coconut cream
Preparation of the dough:
Put the flour, dry yeast, and baking powder in the bowl of a mixer with a paddle instrument, and mix well on medium speed; then reduce speed to low and slowly add the cream and the coconut cream with the mixer running.
Keep mixing until the dough becomes shiny. Flour the work surface, and turn the dough out on the table, and roll it into a rectangle 0.3 cm thick.
Brush the top with water and roll starting with the edge closest to you. Cut the dough into twenty portions (each will be 25 g).
Arrange the buns at least 4 cm apart on a tray with a cover, and steam for two minutes at 28 degrees C, then stem another 4 minutes at 100 degrees C.

For the buns themselves>
1/2 plain steamed bun recipe, above.
100 g scallions, chopped
5 g salt
20 ml scallion oil
Preparation of the buns:
Use the pictures to guide these instructions rolling the dough into a long rope.
Cut into 25g portions, then using your palm, press the dough down as much as possible.
Next, roll it into 0.3 cm thick rectangle, and brush the surface of the dough with the scallion oil and evenly sprinkle it with the chopped scallions.
Next, starting with the edge facing you, roll up the dough like a Swiss roll and cut it into 20 pieces of 25 g each.
Place one finished roll on top of another.
Point fingers end to end with finger tips touching, and press to create a line across the middle. Then pick up the dough and twist wrapping it around your thumb to create petal-like folds. Steam for six minutes at 100 degrees C.

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