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Boneless Ribs


Boneless Ribs
5 pounds flank steak (can use boneless pork)
½ cup vegetable oil
3 scallions, each tied in a knot
5 slices fresh ginger, peeled
2 Tablespoons Chinese rice wine
½ cup dark soy sauce
2 Tablespoons granulated sugar
5 scallions, cut into one-inch pieces
2 Tablespoons Chinese black vinegar
1 Tablespoon sesame oil
1. Heat a large pot, put a hole into the meat the long way, then add the knotted scallions and the ginger. Fry for two minutes, stirring often, then remove the meat and drain it on paper towels. Discard the oil and the knotted scallions.
2. Return the meat to the pot, add the rice wine, soy sauce, and the sugar, and stir well, then add two cups of boiling water, reduce the heat and simmer stirring every five minutes for forty-five minutes or until the sauce is reduced to less than a cup.
3. Remove the meat to a platter. One can stuff one scallion piece into each piece of meat then return the meat to the pot. Add the vinegar and simmer for five minutes, then add sesame oil, and serve.

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