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Artificial Shark's Fin and Egg Whites

Fish and Seafood

Artificial Shark's Fin and Egg Whites
4 Tablespoons pieces of artificial shark’s fin, soaked in boiling water for five minutes, then drained, the liquid discarded
4 egg whites, beaten until soft (neither firm nor stiff)
5 Tablespoons chicken stock
4 slices fresh ginger, peeled and finely shredded
2 Tablespoons Chinese white vinegar
3 Tablespoons fresh apple blossoms (optional)
1 Tablespoon vegetable oil
1 broccoli stem, peeled with hard exterior discarded, sliced thin, and blanched for one minute
1. Mix soaked shark’s fin pieces, egg whites, ginger, vinegar and apple blossoms and set aside for ten minutes.
2. Heat wok or fry pan, add the oil and stir-fry the broccoli stems for one minute, then add the above mixture and stir-fry for three minutes, then serve.

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