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Mixed Seafood Cakes with Snails and Other Seafood

Fish and Seafood

Mixed Seafood Cakes with Snails and Other Seafood
½ cup snail meat removed from the shells, dried with paper towels, then chopped
1/4 cup white boneless and skinless fish filet, dried with paper towels, then chopped
1/4 cup fresh squid, dried with paper towels, then chopped
1/4 cup peeled shrimp, their vens removed then chop them
1 egg, beaten
1 salted duck egg, steamed for ten minutes, cooled, peeled, and the white chopped, the yolk saved for another purpose
1/4 cup cornstarch, divided in half
1 cup panko breadcrumbs, divided in half
1/4 cup green beans, ends removed, then chopped
3 or 4 sprigs of fresh coriander, chopped
salt and pepper, to taste
1 teaspoon sesame oil
1 cup vegetable oil, for frying
1. Mix chopped snail, fish, squid, and shrimp, add the egg and the chopped duck egg white.
2. Next add half the cornstarch and half the panko, the chopped green beans, and the chopped coriander and the sesame oil.
3. Add salt and pepper, as needed, then heat the vegetable oil and fry one teaspoon of this mixture and adding the salt and pepper (as to the salt and pepper, add about half teaspoon of salt and one quarter teaspoon of ground black pepper), then fry one teaspoon of this mixture and check the seasoning, adjust as needed.
4. Make two-inch pancakes about half-inch thick.
5. Next, mix the remaining cornstarch and panko and dust the seafood cakes on both sides and set them aside for ten minutes.
6. Heat the oil and fry these mixed cakes for four or five minutes per side, drain on paper towels, and serve.

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