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One-Pot Chicken Rice


One-Pot Chicken Rice
2 dried Chinese mushrooms
pinch of granulated sugar
1 skinless boneless chicken breast cut into slivers
75 grams jasmine rice
60 g pak choi or choi sum, sliced
light soy sauce, to serve
for the marinade:
1/4 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1 tsp cornflour
2 pinches salt
2 pinches granulated sugar
2 pinches ground white pepper
1/4 tsp sesame oil
½ tsp light soy sauce
½ tsp finely diced ginger
1. Soak the mushrooms in a bowl of hot water with the sugar for 30 minutes, then drain. Remove and discard the stalks and chop the caps into a fine dice.
2. Put the chicken in a boil, add the marinade ingredients and 1 Tablespoon water and mix well. Cover and set aside.
3. Put the rice in a small saucepan and rinse twice under cold water, discarding the cloudy water each time. Pour in 80 ml boiling water and bring to the boil over a high heat. Cook the rice for 4-5 minutes or until most of the water has evaporated, and there are small craters on the surface. Reduce the heat to the lowest setting.
4. Add the mushrooms to the marinated chicken and stir to combine, then arrange the chicken on top of the rice in a single layer.
5. Sprinkle the chopped pak choi directly on top of the chicken, cover and cook until the pak choi has softened slightly. Remove from the heat and leave the rice to stand three minutes above before drizzling soy sauce on top and digging in.

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