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Coconut's Summer Snow

Fruits, Desserts, and Other Sweet Foods

Coconut's Summer Snow
1 fresh-picked coconut for each person, their tops cut off, their meat and water set aside
1 Tablespoon hashima paste
1 piece fresh ginger
2 red dates, pitted
12 goji berries
1/4 cup white rock sugar
1. Scoop out the coconut meat and cut it in small squares and set it aside.
2. Put hashima paste in hot water and set aside for five minutes, then drain and add ginger, dates, goji berries, and the sugar into each coconut, then cover them with the tops of the coconuts. Wrap each one in aluminum foil.
3. Steam for two hours over boiling water, then discard the coconut’s cover, the foil, and the ginger. Add the coconut meat and its water, and steam for another half an hour, then serve one coconut to each person.

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