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Crabs, Sea Vegetables, and Yellow Bean Paste

Fish and Seafood

Crabs, Sea Vegetables, and Yellow Bean Paste
3 crabs, scrubbed, their tops removed, the bodies chopped into four pieces; the claws separated and smashed
6 shallots, peeled and sliced
5 cloves fresh garlic, peeled and sliced
1 red chili pepper, seeded and chopped
5 slices fresh ginger slivered
3 Tablespoon vegetable oil, divided in half
3 Tablespoons spicy yellow bean paste
1 Tablespon granulated sgar
1 Tablespoon Chinese vinegar
1 Tablespoon dried ground sea vegetables
1 Tablespoon thin soy sauce
2 scallions, cut into half-inch pieces
1. Put shallots, garlic, chili pepper pieces, and ginger in a blender, add half the oi, and blend well. Then transfer this into a small pot. and add the bean paste, sugar, vinegar, sea vegetables, and the soy sauce and simmer for three minutes, then set this aside.
2. Heat the wok add the rest of the oil and the crab pieces and claws and stir-fry for two minutes, then the top shell of each crab, half a cup of water and cover and simmer for ten minutes until the crabs are cooked through, then stir in the rest of the seasoning ingredients and stir-fry for three minutes before transferring to a pre-heated bowl, sprinkle the scallions on top, stir once, and serve.

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