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Astralagus Herbal SoupSoups and Congees
Astralagus Herbal Soup |
2 Tablespoons olive oil
2 cloves fresh garlic, peeled and slivered
1 large onion, sliced thin
3 Tablespoons fresh ginger, peeled and slivered
10 pieces of dried astralagus
1 medium reishi mushroom, soaked until soft, stem discarded, and sliced thin
salt and pepper to taste
½ teaspoon cayenne powder
1 cup shredded kale
½ cup shredded yellow or green squash
1. Heat wok or fry pan, add the olive oil, and saute the garlic, onion, and ginger until soft.
2. Add half cup cold water and the astralagus and the mushroom and simmer for ten more minutes. Then add six cups of boiling water to the wok or fry pan while it is off its heat source; and let it rest for two hours.
3. Remove astralagus and the mushrooms, if preferred, then add the salt, pepper, and cayenne and the two vegetables and simmer together for fifteen minutes. Then serve.