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Stir-fried Green Beans with Chilli Hoisin Sauce

Vegetables, also Vegetarian Foods

Stir-fried Green Beans with Chilli Hoisin Sauce
250g fine green beans
½ onion
a small knob of ginger
1 fresh bird’s eye chilli
2 garlic cloves
1 Tablespoon vegetable oil
chilli hoisin sauce
: 1 teaspoon Chiu Chow chilli oil
1 Tablespoon hoisin sauce
1 Tablespoon Shao Xing rice wine
A dash of dark soy sauce
1. Top and tail the beans and drop them into a pan of boiling water. Blanch them for two minutes, then drain and cool under cold running water. 2. Finely slice the onion and ginger. Dice the bird’s eye chilli, and using the flat side of a knife or cleaver, smash the garlic cloves to release their flavour and remove their skin.
3. Mix the chilli hoisin ingredients together in a small bowl or ramekin. Build your wok clock: Lace your finely-diced onion at 12 o’clock, the arrange ginger garlic blanched green beans, the chili hoisin sauce bowl clockwise around your plate.
1. Heat the vegetable oil in a wok until smoking-hot. Add the onion and stir-fry for thirty seconds until slightly softened, then add the ginger and garlic and stir-fry a further thirty seconds.
2. Keeping the heat as high as possible, add the blanched green beans and stir-fry one to two minutes until the beans have blistered around the edges. Add the chilli and chilli hoisin, bring to a vigorous boil and continue to cook, stirring, for a further one to two minutes until the sauce has reduced and is just coating the beans.
3. Remove from the heat and spoon into a large bowl. Serve.

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