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Lamb with Ginseng Porridge


Lamb with Ginseng Porridge
½ pound lamb fillet cut into small pieces
1 cup raw rice
2 ounces ginseng root
4 slices fresh ginger
2 teaspoons goji berries (wolfberries)
20 dried red pitted dates
pinch salt and pepper powder or black pepper powder
1. Boil the lamb pieces.
2. Rinse and soak the rice for thirty minutes.
3. Boil 6 cups water in a large pot or saucepan.
4. Add lamb, ginseng, and ginger.
5. Simmer on low-medium heat for one hour.
6. Add rice and simmer for thirty minutes.
7. Add goji berries and red dates. Simmer for another thirty minutes.
8. Add salt and pepper powder before serving.

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