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Imitation or Real Shark Fin Dumplings

Fish and Seafood

Imitation or Real Shark Fin Dumplings
20 dumpling wrappers
3 Tablespoons cooked belly pork, minced
3 Chinese black mushrooms, soaked for one hour, stems discarded, then minced
3 cooked chicken gizzards, thick center skins, discarded, gizzards minced
3 Tablespoon shrimp, shells and veins removed and discarded, shrimp minced
3 Tablespoons imitation or real shark fins, minced
1 egg, separated
1 Tablespoon vegetable oil

1. Mix minced pork, mushrooms, gizzards, shrimp, and artificial shark fin pieces with the egg white.
2. Put one tablespoon in a dumpling wrapper, using one finger, take some yolk and wet the edge of the wrapper and pleat it sealed; repeat until all are filled and sealed. Then set them aside covered with a thin towel, for half an hour.
3. Place then not touching each other on a very lightly oiled steamer tray and steam for eight minutes, then serve.

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