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Duck Web With Taro

Duck Web With Taro
2 boned duck webs, rinsed and dried, then boiled for half an hour and re-dried with paper towels
1 pound taro, peeled, boiled until soft, mashed, and cooled
2 scallions, minced
3 shallots, peeled and minced
2 teaspoons cornstarch
2 teaspoons thin soh sauce
1 scant teaspoon granulated sugar
1 one-inch cube fermented taro of tofu
2 Tablespoons cornstarch
1 cup vegetable oil

1. Boil duck webs, scallions, shallots, cornstarch, and half the thin soy sauce until they are thoroughly cooked, about forty minutes, then drain and let them cool.
2. Mash the taro with a tablespoon of the boiled water or another liquid. Dust the web tops with cornstarch, and spread the taro mixture on the duck webs. Let them dry for twenty minutes.
3. Heat a pot with the oil, and add the dried stuffed duck webs and fry them for about fifteen minutes. Remove them carefully with a slotted spoon and drain them on paper towels. Cut each web in half the long way, and put them on a serving platter.

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