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Goat With Goji Berries and Leaves


Goat With Goji Berries and Leaves
1 pound cooked goat loin, slivered
1 teaspoon ground Sichuan peppercorns
2 cups goji or spinach leaves, slivered
2 egg whites
2 Tablespoons cornstarch
1 teaspoon coarse salt
2 scallions, thinly slivered on an angle
½ cup goji berries
1 teaspoon Sichuan peppercorn oil
1 Tablespoon cornstarch mixed with one Tablespoon cold water

1. Freeze the meat for half an hour, then sliver it thinly or cut it into thin matchstick strips.
2. Next pour half cup of boiling water over this meat and let it sit for ten minutes, then drain it, and discard the water.
3. Blanch the leaves for one minute in boiling water, then discard the water and set the leaves aside after tossing them with the ground Sichuan peppercorn powder.
4. Toss the egg whites, cornstarch, salt, scallions, cooked meat, goji leaves, goji berries, and the ground Sichuan peppercorn and its oil in half cup of boiling water. Simmer this for ten minutes, then stir in and thicken with the cornstarch mixture. Serve on a preheated platter.

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