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Mock Crab With Eggs

Fish and Seafood

Mock Crab With Eggs
½ pound potatoes, peeled and diced
½ pound carrots, peeled and diced
½ pound celtuce stems peeled, sliced and cut in quarters
2 Tablespoons vegetable oil
1 Tablespoon fresh ginger, minced
2 cloves garlic, peeled and minced
1 teaspoon coarse salt
½ teaspoon ground white pepper
5 eggs, separated, and each beaten until thick
1 Tablespoon sesame oil

1. Peel, then blanch each vegetable stem separately for one minute. Then drain them one by one on paper towels before cutting them and mixing them together; one chap said this was to assure no uninvited guests in them.
2. Then, heat a wok or fry pan, add the oil, then the ginger and the garlic, and stir for one minute before adding them one at a time and stir-frying them for up to one minute each; he said this provides many different textures of their stems.
3. Then add the egg whites, and stir-fry them and all the stems for one minute before adding the egg yolks and frying them for one more minute. Next add the sesame oil and fry this as a pancake on the first side until golden then turn it over and fry this pancake-like item on the second side, also for one minute on the second side. Now put it on a pre-heated plate, cut it into wedges, and serve immediately.

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