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Mongolian Meat


Mongolian Meat
2 pounds boneless lamb, venison, or dark meat chicken, cut into two-inch thin strips
salt and pepper, to taste
1 Tablespoon Chinese white vinegar
3 Tablespoons dark soy sauce, divided in half
2 Tablespoons honey or maltose
½ teaspoon brown sugar
1 Tablespoon cornstarch
1 Tablespoon lard
1 Tablespoon vegetable oil
5 scallions, coarsely minced
1 small onion, coarsely chopped
1 cup soaked until soft, dried Chinese black mushrooms squeezed of their liquid, slivered
1 Tablespoon sesame seeds

1. Marinate meat with salt and pepper, vinegar, and half the soy sauce for half an hour.
2. Mix other half of the soy sauce with honey or maltose, the cornstarch, and three tablespoons cold water, and set this aside.
3. Heat the lard and vegetable oil, add the scallion pieces and the chopped onion and stir-fry until they are soft, then add the meat mixture, and stir-fry until no longer pink.
4. Then add the honey mixture and the mushrooms, and continue to stir-fry for three minutes more.
5. Add the sesame seeds, toss quickly, and serve on a pre-heated platter.

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