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Mongolian Hot Pot

Soups and Congees

Mongolian Hot Pot
½ pound beef fillet. Slivered
½ pound boneless pork cutlet. Slivered
1 whole boneless chicken breast, slivered
½ pound skinless and boneless white meat fish fillet
1 pound tiger shrimp, cut the long way then in half
5 ounces bamboo shoots, cut in half-inch strips
4 ounces snow peas, stings removed, cut in half the long way
1/4 cup baby corn, cut in half the long way
4 ounces canned straw mushrooms, cut in half the long way
½ firm bean curd, cut in long strips
2 ounces soaked rice noodles, cut in two-inch pieces
8 cups chicken stock
2 chicken bouillon cubes
5 slices fresh ginger, slivers
2 stick celery, cut in two-inch pieces then slivered
1 teaspoon sesame oil
3 scallions, cut in two-inch pieces then slivered
1 large bowl cooked rice, to be shared by all
1 egg, per person, if desired

1. Plate carefully all meat, fish, seafood, mushrooms, and bean curd, and all other vegetables so diners can help themselves. Adjust the amounts, above is intended for four people. It can be doubled or divided, as needed.
2. Heat hot pot with coals or electricity, as designed, and put the chicken stock and the bouillon cubes, the fresh ginger slivers, celery, sesame oil, and the scallion slivers in the ring, and when hot, seat diners with long-handled forks and chopsticks for each person, and rice bowls, and a n egg, if desired.
3. Bring ring with the stock to the boil and let diners cook any foods on the platter to their desired doneness. When all foods on the platter are consumed or as much taken as desired, diners can break their egg into the liquid or cook it in its shell, as desired, then eat it and the stock, as they prefer.

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