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Beef Brisket in Red Wine


Beef Brisket in Red Wine
1½ pounds brisket of beef, blanched for two minutes, its water discarded
1 Tablespoons each white and black peppercorns tied into a spice bag
1 half tangerine peel, cut in big pieces
2 Tablespoons fresh ginger, thinly sliced
1 Tablespo0n vegetable oil
1 large onion, peeled cut in half, then into wedges
2 Tablespoons brown bean paste
2 Tablespoons dark soy sauce
1 cup Chinese red wine
2 carrots, angle-cut
1 large piece brown rock sugar, smashed
1 teaspoon coarse salt, if desired
3 cups cooked rice

1. Put beef in large pot, add water to completely cover it and add the spice bag, tangerine peel, and fresh ginger.
2. Bring this to the boil, reduce the heat, and simmer for half an hour, then remove the beef to a bowl, remove the liquid to a jar, and set both aside for one hour. Then cut the meat unto smaller cubes.
3. Heat oil in a wok or large pan, add the beef and stir-fry for two minutes, then add the onion pieces and stir-fry another two minutes before adding the reserved broth and stir well.
4. Now add the bean paste, soy sauce, wine, and the sugar (the salt if using it). Reduce the heat to low and simmer for forty-five minutes. Serve on or next to the cooked rice.

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