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Spareribs and Caramelized Ginger


Spareribs and Caramelized Ginger
3 to four pounds spare ribs, chopped in individual one-inch pieces
2 cups vegetable oil, reserving one tablespoon to oil a serving platter
1/4 cup fresh ginger, peeled and finely chopped
3 leeks, washed well, and thinly angle sliced
½ cup Ginger liqueur
½ cup granulated sugar
½ cup red wine vinegar
2 Tablespoons soy sauce, one dark, the other thin
1 teaspoon salt

1. Blanch the spare ribs for two minutes in boiling water, then quickly rinse them in cool water.
2. Heat the oil in a soup pot and deep-fry half the spare ribs until crisp, about four minutes, then drain them on paper towels and fry the second batch of ribs for the same amount of time. Then drain them the same way, reserving the oil.
3. Rinse the pot, add two tablespoons of the oil to it, an add all the ribs and stir-fry them for three minutes, then add the ginger and the leeks, and stir- fry this for two minutes before adding the liqueur, sugar, vinegar, soy sauce, and salt.
4. Stir over a hot burner until the sauce thickens and is like syrup, then put this in a pre-heated bowl and serve promptly.

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