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Kai Feng Noodle Blanketed Carp

Fish and Seafood

Kai Feng Noodle Blanketed Carp
2 to 3 pound fresh carp, fins and scales discarded
2 cups vegetable oil
1/3 pound very thin dry noodles, soaked until soft
1½ cups chicken broth
2 teaspoons Chinese white vinegar
2 teaspoons granulated sugar
2 Teaspoons Shao Xing rice wine
1 teaspoon salt
3 slices fresh ginger, slivered
2 scallions, minced
1 Tablespoon cornstarch mixed with like amount of cold water

1. Rinse, then dry the fish with paper towels, and then cut five incisions across its back almost to the bone.
2. Heat oil in a wok or deep pan, then add the carp and pour the hot oil over the fish for two minutes, then remove it to a towel-lined preheated platter and let it rest one minute, then discard the paper towels.
3. Drain the noodles, increase the pan with the oil and deep fry them just until they look crisp and turn color. Then remove them to paper towels, drain well, and put them on top of the fish. Set the oil aside for another purpose.
4. Dry the wok or pan with paper towels, add the broth, vinegar, sugar, wine, salt, ginger, and the scallion pieces and bring to the boil, stir then put the fish back in and add the cornstarch mixture and stir until it starts to thicken, stir again, then remove the fish to a pre-heated platter. Put the fried noodles only on top of it. Then pout s little of the sauce on the center of the noodles, the rest around the fish., then serve.

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