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Steamed Whole Fish

Fish and Seafood

Steamed Whole Fish
3 Tablespoons vegetable or peanut oil
2 teaspoons sesame oil
2 Tablespoons thin soy sauce
2 Tablespoons Shao Xing wine
2 Tablespoons peeled shredded fresh ginger
1 teaspoon salt
dash ground white pepper
2 to 3 pounds whole fish, scaled and gutted, but with the head and tail left on
3 scallions, angle sliced
1 Tablespoon chopped coriander

1. Whisk smaller amount of oil with the sesame oil, soy sauce, wine, ginger, salt, and pepper.
2. Put fish in a heat-proof dish, and pour this whisked mixture in and over it.
3. Put this dish on a wire rack in a steamer and steam the fish covered for twenty minutes or until it flakes testing it with a fork.
4. Heat the remaining oil and pour it over the fish, then remove the fish carefully to a pre-heated dish on a serving platter. Then garnish it with the scallions and coriander, and serve.

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