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Pork, Vegetable, and Fish Soup

Soups and Congees

Pork, Vegetable, and Fish Soup
1/4 pound pork, hand chopped
10 cups chicken stock
1 large carrot, peeled and diced
½ cup peeled diced white or green radishes
2 slices fresh ginger, diced
1 one-inch piece tangerine peel, soaked until soft, then diced
1 to 2 teaspoons minced Yunnan or Smithfield ham, minced
2 Tablespoons white rice wine lees
1 teaspoon red rice wine lees
1/4 pound skinless and boneless fresh fish
2 sprigs fresh coriander, for garnish

1. Blanch the pork two minutes in two cups boiling water, then drain and discard the water.
2. Bring chicken stock to the boil, lower the heat and add the pork, carrot, radishes, ginger, garlic, and tangerine peel and simmer for one hour.
3. Add ham and both wine lees and simmer another thirty minutes. Add the fish and simmer ten more minutes, than add the coriander and pour into a preheated soup tureen and serve.

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