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Tea-Smoked Beef


Tea-Smoked Beef
4 pounds short ribs, bones removed, the meat of each one cut in half
2 Tablespoons cornstarch or potato starch vegetable oil spray
5 cloves garlic, peeled and lightly smashed
8 slices fresh ginger
3 scallions, coarsely minced
½ cup peeled pumpkin cut into one-inch chunks
4 teaspoons jasmine tea leaves
¼ cup brown sugar
¾ cup cooked rice
3 Tablespoons dark soy sauce
2 Tablespoons tomato paste
2 Tablespoons Chinese rice vinegar
2 Tablespoons crushed rock sugar
¼ cup Chinese rice wine
1 cardamon seed pod, lightly crushed
2 squares fermented red rice, mashed

1. Mix rib meat and the corn or potato starch and set aside for ten minutes.
2. Spray some vegetable oil on a wok or large fry pan, and heat, then add the meat and stir-fry for two minutes or until golden brown, and then put the meat on a clean plate.
3. Add the short rib meat, garlic, ginger, and scallion pieces for one minute, then set aside .for one to two minutes, then add the meat and six cups of water, bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for one hour, then transfer to a bowl and allow to cool.
4. In a different pot, simmer the soy sauce, tomato paste, and rice vinegar with the rock sugar, rice wine, the cardamon pod, and the mashed fermented rice squares for half an hour.
5. Then rinse the wok and dry it, and line it with aluminum foil, add the sugar, steamed rice, and the tea leaves on top of the foil, heat this mixture until it starts to smoke, then place the meat on the rack and cover the pan, reduce the heat and smoke for ten minutes, then remove the duck from there, and serve.

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