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Yellow Cucumber and Poultry Soup

Soups and Congees

Yellow Cucumber and Poultry Soup
1 quail, quartered and blanched for one minute
2 chicken thighs, blanched for one minute
½ duck, quartered and blanched for two minutes
1 yellow cucumber, seeded and cut in eight pieces
1 piece tangerine peel, soaked for five minutes, and cut in four pieces
5 slices peeled fresh ginger
1 teaspoon coarse salt
½ cup millet
½ cup barley
20 goji berries

1. Put all pieces of quail, chicken, duck, cucumber pieces, tangerine peel, ginger, salt, millet, and barley in a large stock pot and cover the ingredients with boiling water. Reduce the heat and simmer for ninety minutes, then remove and cool until able to handle the poultry pieces.
2. Remove the meat from bones for the quail, chicken, and duck, and do discard skin, bones, and any visible fat.
3. Skim the liquid and return it to a rinsed pot with all the poultry and other ingredients and simmer another half hour, then add the goji berries and simmer five to ten minutes. Serve in preheated bowls or a pre-heated tureen.

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