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Dragon Fruit, Bean Paste, and Lotus Seeds

Fruits, Desserts, and Other Sweet Foods

Dragon Fruit, Bean Paste, and Lotus Seeds
½ cup dried lotus seeds, soaked overnight
¼ cup red bean seeds, soaked overnight
1 kiwi fruit, peeled and cubed
4 Tablespoons rock sugar, divided
2 or 3 dragon fruits, their insides scooped out and gently mashed

1. Simmer lotus seeds in two or three cups of boiling water and half the rock sugar for one hour, then drain, mash, and cool them.
2. Simmer red beans in another pot in two to three cups of boiling water for one hour with the other half of the rock sugar, then drain, mash, and cool them.
3. Put mashed lotus seeds and red beans in the empty dragon fruit shells, top with the kiwi cubes, and serve at room temperature.

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