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Hakka Sour Pig's Feet


Hakka Sour Pig's Feet
½ cup vegetable oil
10 thick slices of fresh ginger
10 cloves peeled garlic cloves, each cut in four
3 pounds front pigs feet, cut into two-inch pieces
3 fresh chili peppers, cut in half and seeded
3 dried chili peppers, each in three and seeded
1 Tablespoon coarse salt
10 Chinese sour plums, pits discarded
10 whole cloves
10 dried oysters, soaked in one cup of hot water
1 cup Chinese white rice vinegar
5 Tablespoons rock sugar
½ cup thin and dark soy sauce, mixed
1 cup Chinese rice wine

1. Heat oil in a wok or deep fry pan, fry garlic and ginger, then add the pigs feet pieces and fry then for three minutes.
2. Add both chili peppers, the plums, salt, cloves, oysters and vinegar, rock sugar, both soy sauces, and the Chinese rice wine and enough hot water to cover it all and simmer covered for one hour.
3. Now add the rice wine and simmer a half hour longer. Then put inot a deep bowl and serve with the liquid in a pitcher on the side for folks to take as much as they want with the pigs feet.

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