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Frozen Winter CongeeSoups and Congees
Frozen Winter Congee |
2 cups total (1//4 cup each, of the following eight ingredients: raw peanuts, dried red beans, chopped nuts, rock sugar, slivered almonds, dried longans, small raisons, and gogi berries)
1 cup sticky rice
1 teaspoon coarse salt
3 Tablespoons granulated sugar
1. Soak each of the eight items in separate bowls
overnight, then drain each and simmer each separately
for twenty minutes, then drain each one and allow them
to cool before mixing them together.
2. Cook half the rice about half an hour or until thick,
then add the other half and cook ten minutes. 3. Then
add the eight cooked ingredients, and serve hot or
warm, or freeze this mixture in a flat pan until needed. Note: After defrosting, cut this into two-inch squares,
put a stick into each square, and serve the squares at
room temperature, or reheat it to serve.