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Abalone and Duck Sandwiches


Abalone and Duck Sandwiches
1 cooked duck breast or half a cooked goose breast, minced
10 canned water chestnuts, minced
3 scallion white parts, minced
3 slices fresh ginger, minced
2 teaspoons Chinese rice wine
½ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sesame oil
1 pound can of abalone, drained
2 Tablespoons frozen green peas
½ cup chicken or duck broth
2 teaspoons rendered duck fat
1 Tablespoon cornstarch

1. Mix the minced bird with the water chestnuts, scallion white parts, and ginger, then stir in the rice wine, salt, and sesame oil, and mix well.
2. Cut the abalone into half-inch thick slices and cover half of them with the poultry paste, then put another piece of abalone and gently press this together. Put these sliced sandwich items on a heat-proof plate and into a steamer basket.
3. Steam them covered over boiling water for twenty minutes, remove, cut each in half, and serve them on a pre-heated plate or platter.
4. Mix stock, rendered fat, rice wine, and cornstarch, stir bringing this to the boil until thick, and pour over the abalone sandwiches, and serve.

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