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Fish Slices, Zhanxiang Style

Fish and Seafood

Fish Slices, Zhanxiang Style
½ pound fish filets, cu in two-inch sections
2 Tablespoons lard
2 egg whites
5 Tablespoons tapioca flour
5 small dried Chinese black mushrooms, soaked until soft, stems discarded, caps halved
5 Mandarin orange sections , each cut in two
5 baby bok cai, each cut in half the long way
½ cup vegetable oil
3 scallions, each cut in half-inch pieces
3 garlic cloves, peeled and sliced
3 Tablespoons Chinese rice wine
2 Tablespoons cornstarch same amount of cold water

1. Heat a wok, add the lard, and coat the pieces of fish with a mix of egg whites and tapioca flour, then fry them on both sides until golden, drain them on paper towels.
2. Steam the mushroom caps for five minutes, then add them to the wok or fry-pan and stir-fry them for two or three minutes before adding the orange pieces and baby bok cai halves and stir these just once then set them aside with the pieces of fish.
3. Clean the wok, then add the vegetable oil, then the scallion and garlic pieces and stir-fry for two minutes before returning the fish and mushrooms. Stir-fry for two minutes.
4. Now add the orange and bok cai pieces, and the rice wine, and stir for one minute.
5. Stir cornstarch mixture, add it to the wok and stir for another minute until it thickens; and serve.

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