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Duck Tongues with White Fungus

Unusual Ingredients

Duck Tongues with White Fungus
1/4 cup white fungus
1/2 pound duck tongues
1 slice fresh ginger
1 scallion
1 cup chicken stock
1/2 teaspoon sugar
1 Tablespoon thin soy sauce
1 teaspoon cornstarch
1/2 teaspoon sesame oil
1 small carrot, diced fine
2 Tablespoons frozen green peas, defrosted
1. Soak the white fungus for two hours, then pick out and discard any dark spots and miscellaneous matter.
2. Boil duck tongues with ginger and scallion in the stock for ten minutes, remove from the liquid, cool, and remove the cartilage from each of the duck tongues.
3. Mix all ingredients except the carrots and peas, and simmer for one minute. Then add duck tongues and the vegetables, and heat through. 4. Remove the fungus from the pan, put the remaiing mixture in a small bowl, put the fungus on top, and serve.

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