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Lamb Patties


Lamb Patties
½ pound minced of finely chopped lamb
2 medium potatoes, boiled and mashed
5 water chestnuts, smashed well
1 egg
4 Tablespoons cornstarch
3 scallions, slivered
salt and pepper, to taste
1 Tablespoon black bean sauce
1 Tablespoon thin soy sauce
2 Tablespoons vegetable oil

1. Mix lamb, mashed potatoes, smashed water chestnuts, egg, cornstarch, slivered scallions, and salt and pepper, to taste, then shape into five meat patties.
2. Mix black bean sauce and the soy sauce and brush a little on each side of each patty.
3. Heat wok or fry pan, add the oil, put the patties in the oil and fry until golden on each side.

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