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Pumpkin Soup with White Fungus

Soups and Congees

Pumpkin Soup with White Fungus
½ pound Chinese pumpkin, peel and seeds discarded,
flesh chopped
1 Tablespoon white fungus, soaked for half an hour, then
chopped, too
1 or 2 Tablespoons Chinese or Smithfield ham, minced
6 cups chicken ham, or seafood stock
3 Tablespoons water chestnut flour
2 Tablespoons thin soy sauce
1 pumpkin shell steamed until almost soft (optional)
½ teaspoon coarse salt, (optional
1 Tablespoon minced coriander)

1. Steam the prepared pumpkin, then mash it and mix it with the minced white fungus pieces.
2. Add the water chestnut flour and stir well, then add the thin soy sauce, and the salt, if needed, and simmer for fifteen minutes, then serve in the pumpkin or in a pre-heated soup tureen with minced coriander sprinkled on top.

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