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Shrimp and Egg White Ovals

Fish and Seafood

Shrimp and Egg White Ovals
10 shrimp, shells and veins discarded, then butterflied, lightly pounded flat into one piece
2 egg whites, beaten until soft peaks form
3 Tablespoons cornstarch, divided in half
1 Tablespoon vegetable oil
1 Tablespoon white vinegar
½ cup soup broth
2 Tablespoons shrimp or any red roe

1. Mix egg whites with half the cornstarch and put them on the flattened shrimp flattening them with a wet knife.
2. Mix half the cornstarch with one tablespoon of cold water.
3, Oil ten Chinese soup spoons and put them and one topped shrimp on each soup spoon into a pot with the vinegar and half a cup of water and the broth. Simmer them for two minutes until the shrimp and egg white mixture slides off the spoons, then turn them over for an additional minute, them move them to a platter
4, Add cornstarch and water to the pot, boil one minute until thick, and pour around the shrimp items, then sprinkle the tomato slivers on them, and serve.

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