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Night-Blooming Cereus Soup

Soups and Congees

Night-Blooming Cereus Soup
3 night-blooming cereus flowers, cut in a few places
1 pound pork shin, thinly sliced
1 teaspoon salt
2 Tablespoons regular almonds, paper-thin peels removed, each cut in quarters or eighths
1 teaspoon bitter almond, peels removed and chopped

1. Soak night-blooming cereus flower pieces, then squeeze out any excess water.
2. Put pork shin in three quart pot, and blanch for five minutes, rinse and drain, then add the salt, two quarts of boiling water, both almond pieces, and simmer covered for two hours.
3. Add cereus flower pieces during the last ten minutes, then serve in pre-heated soup bowls or a large tureen.

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