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Squash and Shrimp Soup

Squash and Shrimp Soup
½ pound shrimp, peeled, veins and shells discarded, each one cut in quarters
1 loofah squash, cut in quarters the long way, then angle cut, then blanched for one minute
8 cups chicken stock
5 canned water chestnuts, sliced thin
1 Tablespoon cornstarch mixed with same amount of stock
1 Tablespoon thin soy sauce
1 Tablespoon sesame oil
dash of ground white pepper
½ small chili pepper, minced finely

1. Blanch and drain cut up shrimp and loofah and set them aside.
2. Heat soup in a large saucepan.
3. Add water chestnuts to the stock and bring it to the boil, then stir in the cornstarch mixture, shrimp, and loofah pieces, and the soy sauce, sesame oil, ground white pepper, and the chili pepper pieces, and return to the boil, then serve in preheated soup bowls or from a large soup tureen.

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