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Gluten, Gingko, and Mushrooms

Rice, Noodles, and Other Grain Foods

Gluten, Gingko, and Mushrooms
½ cup vegetable oil
1 cup kao fu (brown wheat gluten), cut into one-inch cubes
3 slices fresh ginger, minced
1/4 cup drained gingko nuts
1 Tablespoon dried soaked wood ear mushrooms, drained and thinly sliced
1 Tablespoon flowering chives, coarsely chopped
1 teaspoon fermented black beans, soaked and mashed
1 cup vegetable broth
1 Tablespoon dark soy sauce
1 Tablespoon Chinese rice wine
1 Tablespoon pressed brown sugar

1. Heat wok or fry pan, add the oil and the gluten piece and stir-fry until they are lightly colored and becoming crisp, then remove them into a bowl of hot water and immediately drain them putting them on paper towels. Then, pour off the oil left in the pan saving it for another use.
2. Add ginger pieces to the empty wok or pan, and stir-fry them for one minute before adding drained gingko nuts, wood ear mushroom pieces, flowering chives, mashed black beans, broth, soy sauce, wine, and brown sugar. Stir-fry for two minutes until almost all the liquid has boiled out, and serve in a pre-heated bowl.

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