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Bamboo Shoots and Meats


Bamboo Shoots and Meats
5 black mushrooms, soaked in hot water, stems discarded, then diced
½ pound ground beef
½ pound ground pork
5 slices bacon, minced
3 cups canned bamboo shoots, coarsely diced
3 Tablespoons vegetable oil
1 teaspoon mixed salt and ground white pepper
1 cup coarsely chopped Chinese celery
1 cup coarsely chopped Napa cabbage
3 Tablespoons ginseng
3 hard-cooked eggs, peeled and coarsely diced
3 Tablespoons vegetable oil
1 teaspoon mixed salt and ground white pepper
1 Tablespoon sa cha sauce
3 cups cooked white rice or the Wonder Rice (optional)

1. Mix diced soaked black mushrooms, ground beef, ground pork, and diced bacon with the diced bamboo shots.
2. Heat wok or deep fry pan, add the oil and the meat mixture and stir-fry until meat is no longer pink, then add the diced hard-cooked eggs, the diced celery, diced Napa cabbage, ginseng, and salt and pepper, and the sa cha sauce, stir-frying for two more minutes.
3. Serve in a pre-heated bowl over Wonder Rice or plain ordinary steamed white rice.

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