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Spareribs in Tea


Spareribs in Tea
1 Tablespoon black tea leaves
1/2 cup water
2 pounds spare ribs, cut into individual ribs
1 Tablespoon corn oil
6 slices fresh ginger
1/4 cup minced onion
2 whole star anise
1/4 cup dark soy sauce
1. Steep tea in half cup of boiling water for five minutes, strain, and discard the leaves.
2. Blanch the ribs in five cups of water for one minute, drain, and discard the water.
3. Heat oil into a heavy deep pot, then add ginger and onions and stir-fry one minute. Next add the ribs and brown them.
4. Add all the other ingredients and five cups of water, cover and simmer for one hour. Then remove the lid and boil them for five minutes. Drain and serve.
Note: The remaining sauce can be reduced or thickened. Some or all can be poured over the ribs.

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