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Pork Soup, 1900's Style

Soups and Congees

Pork Soup, 1900's Style
2 pounds boneless pork, fat discarded, meat cut in half-inch squares
1 large or 2 small pork bones
2 cups raw sea scallops, each scallop cut in eighths
1 cups dried iceberg lettuce leaves, cut in two-inch strips
salt and pepper, to taste

1. Put bones and pork in two cups of cold water, bring to the boil, then discard this water and add the same amount of cold water and boil again and reduce the heat simmering this until the meat is tender, then discard or serve the bones.
2. Skim the fat from the broth, as needed, add salt and pepper and set the meat aside until needed.
3. Three minutes before serving, add two cups cold water, the scallops and the lettuce, and simmer. Then transfer to a pre-heated serving bowl, and serve.

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