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Sweet Jasmine Tea Cake

Fruits, Desserts, and Other Sweet Foods

Sweet Jasmine Tea Cake
1 and 1/2 cups glutinous rice flour
1 cup regular rice flour
1 cup sugar
1 cup brewed then cooled jasmine green tea (can made with two tea bags)
1/2 cup margarine, melted
contents of three tea-bags of jasmine green tea
non-stick cooking spray
1. In large bowl, mix the flours, sugar, and the brewed tea and beat until smooth.
2. Fold in margarine and dry tea and mix to form a smooth batter.
3. Coat a ten-inch round non-stick cake pan with the non-stick cooking spray, then pour in the batter.
4. Place the pan over boiling water until the cake is translucent, about twenty-five minutes, then remove and cool before cutting into ten wedges and serving.

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