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Spicy Preserved Beef


Spicy Preserved Beef
6 to 8 allspice berries
2 inch piece of stick cinnamon
1/2 Tablespoon whole dried coriander
1 teaspoon Sichuan pepper (fagara)
1 teaspoon dried red pepper flakes
3 Tablespoons thin soy sauce
3 Tablespoons dark soy sauce
3 Tablespoons mushroom soy sauce
1 cup crushed Chinese brown sugar slabs
3 Tablespoons Chinese black vinegar
4 cloves garlic, chopped fine
1 Tablespoon finely chopped fresh ginger
Small amount of corn oil spray
2 teaspoons sesame oil
1 pound flank or lean sirloin steak, sliced very thin
1. Put allspice, cinnamon, coriander and Sichuan pepper in a grinder reserved for spices and grind them coarsely.
2. Put the ground spices into a warm wok or fry pan and heat stirring all the time, until fragrant. Then add the pepper and stir another half minute. Remove and cool them. It is a good idea to grind them again into a fine powder.
3. Put all three soy sauces, sugar, and vinegar into a small pot on medium heat. Stir until the sugar is dissolved, then remove from the heat and add the ground spices, garlic and ginger, and set aside to cool again. This can be done one day ahead, if desired, but do not refrigerate the spice mixture.
4. Preheat oven to 225 degrees F. While it is heating, use heavy duty aluminum foil and line two jelly-roll or low-sided pans. Put a wire rack on each of them and spray it with corn or any other vegetable oil.
5. Add sesame oil to liquid seasoning mixture and brush both sides of each slice of meat and place meat on the racks, no piece touching any other, then bake for two hours. Turn oven off and allow to cool in the oven for another hour.
Note: This meat will keep refrigerated for two to three weeks if tightly wrapped.

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