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Failing Energy Chicken


Failing Energy Chicken
8 chicken legs and thigh pieces, each cut into two pieces
1 pound boneless pork loin, cut into sixteen pieces
16 red Chinese dates
10 pieces dong chong xia cao or Cordyseps sinensis 32 Chinese wolfberries
1 Tablespoon thin soy sauce
1 Tablespoon mushroom soy sauce 2 Tablespoons caterpillar fungus liquor (see the Note below)
4 sprigs coriander
1. Put chicken pieces, pork pieces, Chinese dates, the dong chong xia cao, half the wolfberries, and both soy sauces in a heat-proof bowl or casserole. Cover and set inside a steamer over rapidly boiling water. After half an hour, reduce the boiling water to a slow boil and continue to cook for another ninety minutes replenishing the water with boiling water, as needed.
2. Remove chicken pieces and discard the bones. Tear apart chicken meat into smaller pieces and return to the pork mixture in the heat-proof bowl or casserole. Add the rest of the wolfberries and the liquor, stir gently, re-cover the dish, and steam for another half an hour.
3. Remove the bowl from the steamer, drain the liquid into a pitcher or serve it in heated individual soup bowls. Put the heat-proof bowl or casserole on a trivet and serve the chicken, pork, and wolfberry mixture with coriander sprigs put on top.
Note: To make the fungus liquor, soak one Cordyseps sinensis in two tablespoons rice wine overnight. Then drain and use it and the liquor in the above recipe, or an other recipe that calls for this ingredient.

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