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Rice Wine Cornish Hen


Rice Wine Cornish Hen
1 Cornish hen (about a pound and a half)
1 Tablespoon Shao Hsing wine or a dry sherry
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar
2 teaspoons cornstarch
1 cup rice wine mash
2 scallions, chopped fine
2 teaspoons minced ginger
1 or 2 teaspoons minced garlic
1 Tablespoon dark soy sauce
1/3 cup chicken broth or water
1. Cut cornish hen into bite-sized pieces then marinate them with the wine, salt, a half teaspoon of sugar and the cornstarch for fifteen minutes.
2. Mix soy sauce, remaining sugar and the broth.
3. Heat a non-stick wok or a fry pan and add one tablespoon of oil. When hot add the Cornish hen and saute for five minutes, stirring frequently. Transfer to a dish lined with paper towels.
4. In the same pan, brown the garlic, ginger, and two teaspoons of scallions; saute them for only a few seconds.
5. Add the rice wine and mix then add the Cornish hen and stir well. Cover and cook for three minutes.
6. Add the soy sauce mixture, mix well, then cover and cook for two more minutes.
7. Serve garnished with the rest of the scallions.

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